Episode 25: Those Who Don't Learn From History

26 Dec 2020 18:46

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The PCs were getting back to the Earth Temple. All was safe, all was good!

Plot was mostly to do with the Eurmali who was trying to get a Heroquest happening, but also based on the fallout of Kosa getting massively captured.

IC Play

Aria talked to the High Priestess of Ernalda, Ereneva Chan, about the Hero Quest they were considering. Sensing the chance to have a Prince of Sartar in her debt, Ereneva agreed to put the considerable resources of the Temple behind them.

However, people were still worried about the mysterious group that had been following them, so Inkala and Kosa set out to look into that. Androuranos stayed at the Temple, and Aria went to the market to trade; Varaema followed her, to heal people.

A man by the name of Taflith showed up at the market, saying The Eurmali in Boldhomewas bringing a court case because Aria stole something from him. "But I’m sure it’s a total coincidence and if you give me a few Lunars then I’ll go away."

Aria allowed herself to be blackmailed, and then fled. Varaema remained behind, and Taflith asked where Aria was staying, claiming that he was in love. Varaema fell for this hook, line, and sinker, and threw in a free riverside bothy to fish from.

Androus attempted to borrow some armour to go incognito, but instead horribly offended an axe lady at the Earth Temple.

Kosa and Inkala, meanwhile, tried to sneak up on a camp of people. It did not go brilliantly. Kosa was rendered unconscious by some form of magic and captured. Inkala was able to tell what had happened, but not effect any rescue. Instead, she followed the man who took back a ransom request to the Earth Temple.

Inkala attempted to get everyone to ambush the ransom requester, but everyone else was too honourable. Kosa was ransomed by her temple.

Varaema ended up convinced that Aria wanted to avoid Taflith because she was in love with Saronil, to the amusement of all as she attempted matchmaking.

Androus and Aria went shopping for armour that was not bright gold.

God-Emperor Kallyr Starbrow - the Eurmali from Boldhome - invaded the temple and was captured. He may of may not have been Taflith all along. He agreed to help in the hero quest.

Other Things

Fumble count: 4
Inkala survival - she fell in a river
Inkala swim - she started drowning
Androus talking - he offended an axe lady
Varaema Insight Human - she believed the Eurmali about him being in love with Aria

"Do we need to disguise Kosa?" - Inkala
"Kosa's not worried about disguise." - Kosa
"That would be a yes." - Varaema

"Varaema's following Kosa. Partly to keep her safe and partly in revenge." - Varaema

"Oh no! I said a bad thing!" - Aria
"There are no good things you can say. Just to reassure you." - GM

"When an axe-wielding woman in bronze tells you you're conspicuous, you might want to listen." - Andros

"What if we lure ALL of them into following us? That wouldn't be so good." - Inkala

"The cogs in Aria's brain turn, trying to comprehend the Eurmali point of view." - Aria

"You lot need to deal with the healer yourselves. How did you manage before me?" - Kosa
"'Manage'. A new word for it." - GM

"I was wondering if you were talking to each other." - GM
"Oh, that's a good idea, I'd probably have done that." - Aria

"At least you owe your life debt to your Temple, and not some disgraced rich guy." - Aria

"And those Lunar crucifixions - they're civilised too, right?" - Fargast
"Yeah, I mean the Praxians would just murder you and dump the body in a ditch." - Inkala
"The proper legalities of murder are important." - GM

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